Thursday, December 17, 2015

Potty party

Brother had to go potty, so sister wanted to join the party. She says, "potty, potty." This time I put her on little froggy potty. Nothing came out but she enjoyed being like big bro! Washed her hands and everything. Good practice I guess!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Don't let go, Daddy!

Don't let go, Daddy! About 6 months old

Get'em Sister

Get'em Sister

Pretty in Pearls

Pretty in Pearls 8 Months Old

Family Dedication

Family Dedication Our Family Mission Statement: We the Bramhall family desire is to bring glory to God by loving each other, those around us, and setting a Godly example in our everyday lives. We will bring glory to God by following God's greatest commandments. Loving him with all of our hearts, and always putting God first. We will seek his word daily, and pray in all circumstances. We will love each other through all struggles and success. We will show love by taking time to communicate and listen. We strive for patience, and to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. We want to be a family that enjoys each others laughter and presents. Who creates memories in even the smalls things in life. We will create a weekly family time and devotions. A family who's love shines through all the sins of the world. We will teach our children to stand up for what they believe in, and dedicate time to those who are lost. Always show respect to everyone and those in authority. We will choose to serve others, and give our time and money to the church. Our desire is to stay connected and grow as a Godly family in community.

Easter 2015

Easter 2015

Easter Bunny 2015

Easter Bunny 2015

Last trip to Sea World 2014

Last trip to Sea World 2014

Playing blocks with brother

Playing blocks with Brother At about 5 months old

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

15 month check up

Kaitlyn had her 15 month check up on 11/12/15. Weighs 23 lbs 3 oz and Height 30.25". Had 3 shots.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Batter up

Kaitlyn trying out brother's t-ball. Got to know how to throw and catch in this house! Kaitlyn has learned how to throw a ball.

Mechanic buddies

Monday, September 21, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Car sleepers

Definitely sister and brother! Identical sleepers.

Our little walker

Kaitlyn has been all about the walking for over a week now. She walks everywhere now. Once she falls she stands back up and walks. Bye, bye crawling.

Monday, August 17, 2015

1st ice cream cone

Kaitlyn enjoying her 1st ice cream cone at brother's art bbq.

New Seat

Kaitlyn taking her first ride in her new carseat. She enjoys the new view and the cup holders.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015


Welcome to Kaitlyn and Ella's pad! Playing in the playhouse at Grammy and Papa's house.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Party animal!

Kaitlyn has been staying up until midnight the last couple nights. Getting party ready and enjoying her party! This is what happens when you stay up late. You sleep in until 11:30am.